Why Choose Cremation?

  • Cost-Effective

    Utilizing a cremation service is a financially wise choice since it can cost 45–50% less than traditional burial. With these savings, you can much more easily focus on a truly personalized service, provide travel expenses for loved ones who maybe wouldn’t be able to attend otherwise and avoid depleting your savings. Eliminating the costly purchase of caskets, burial plots and embalming removes stress on the family.

  • Environmentally Friendly

    Cremation is an eco-conscious option with a smaller environmental footprint. Unlike traditional burials, it avoids the use of non-biodegradable materials like metal caskets and concrete vaults, as well as the long-term use of land. Choosing to place cremains in urns or jewelry or scattering ashes further emphasizes a return to nature.

  • Symbolic Service

    Some families share cremains with relatives. Others might choose to scatter some or all of the ashes, which provides an opportunity to pick a place with a lot of memories and meaning. Although scattering ashes on private property is allowed, public parks and other locations might require prior permission.